Inclusion fuels innovation. That's why LexisNexis Legal & Professional, a part of RELX, is committed to fostering a workplace where all employees are respected, valued, and have equal opportunities. A key part of our inclusion and diversity (I&D) strategy is supporting people of all sexual orientations and gender identities to be themselves at work. Our business areas and people are doing great work to build a culture of inclusion, safety, and respect through our Pride, PROUD, sexual orientation, and gender identity Employee Resource Groups and events like PROUD Experiences.

Join us in celebrating Pride as we shine a spotlight on the unique perspectives of our LGBTQIA+ colleagues and allies worldwide. This year's theme, "Reflect. Empower. Unite.," inspires us to reflect on our progress, empower our community, and unite in our commitment to inclusion. By sharing our colleagues' stories, we aim to foster understanding and continuous improvement across LexisNexis.

Ashley Kilgore

Telephonic Client Manager United States

Having been involved in a few of the employee resource groups across RELX and LexisNexis, we fight to make an impact to our community, to be seen, and to express ourselves to our full capacity. I feel empowered when I can actively have conversations with others in our workplace and let them know I will rally for their identity.

Jacqueline Bagayas

Customer Services Representative - Philippines

It is an essential period to promote inclusivity, support diversity, and build a culture of respect and equitability. Celebrating Pride Month across RELX and LexisNexis strengthens team bonds. It encourages empathy and mutual respect among colleagues, creating a more cohesive and harmonious work environment. By participating in Pride events and discussions, employees can better understand and appreciate the unique experiences and perspectives of co-workers, leading to stronger collaboration and innovation.

RJ Kennedy

Solutions Consultant, United States

Pride is about celebrating diverse backgrounds and recognizing that all love is simply love. As a newer employee of LexisNexis, I am grateful that our company creates an inclusive workplace where all of us are appreciated and celebrated.

I've worked in small law firms for my entire professional career and been on boards for service and pride organizations where I see large corporations have impactful support on my communities. In smaller workplace environments, I have always felt like the teacher when it comes to anything related to LGBTQ+ education. When deciding whether or not to work for LexisNexis, it was important for me to know that the company had an ERG and celebrated diversity and inclusion. I feel very welcomed and inspired here!

Tiffany Lloyd

Product Manager II, United States

Pride Month not only represents the ability to openly express my non-Western traditional non-binary gender with some legal protection, but also provide representation for Indigenous people who discover they are outside the gender binary. Having legal protections to share what is and was part of my Indigenous culture with the world is very important, as discrimination and marginalization based on gender is still very prevalent globally.

Some colleagues want and feel able to share that they are LGBTQ+, which historically was not possible in most Western cultures without real threat of major discrimination or job loss. Showing up authentically in the workplace allows LGBTQ+ employees to focus on work instead of devoting exhausting levels of mental and emotional energy to masking or hiding details about your family or who you are. As we create products that humanity uses to seek justice in their corner of the world, our products and their creation should reflect the diversity of the customers we serve.

Toni Ross Rafols

Content Editor, Philippines

As an LGBTQ+ employee, I feel empowered by the support and inclusivity in our workplace. Through webinars, we share our stories and experiences, which helps us feel a sense of belonging. This makes us more comfortable and confident at work, allowing us to bring our best selves to our jobs and driving progress and innovation.

News & Resources

Learn more about specific actions taken by each of our businesses to ensure LGBTQIA+ inclusion and access their inclusion and diversity resources


Lexisnexis legal & Professional